The U.S. NEEDS Christ the King! (VIDEO: MoC, feat. Paleocrat)
Is Christ's kingship limited to individuals, families, and churches, or does His rule also extend over entire economies and nations?
Never Give Up! Keep On Smiling! And Memento Mori!
The U.S. NEEDS Christ the King! (VIDEO: MoC, feat. Paleocrat)
The Rise (and Triumph) of Trump's "Deplorables" [A Primer]
(PODCAST) SCORCHED EARTH: We've Gotta Tolerate WHAT?!?!
(PODCAST) Tolerance, Diversity and Cultural Stereotypes
WATCH: I Slayed Smartphone & Internet Addiction (with Silence & Solitude)!
VIDEO: Taking Tim Gordon To School (Over Distributism)
FINALLY! The FULL VIDEO of "Fear, Loathing, and Love of Confession!" (+ FB Live Vid!)
(Updated) My First-Ever YouTube Premiere!
WATCH: Feminist Bro Triggered by MAGA Hat
Droppin' the Mic at the GR City Commission
The Triggering - Paleocrat Exposed!